
For more than 40 years, Northarvest has provided extensive research funding

Northarvest’s commitment to research is evident by the dollars invested to fund new and continuing research. The Northarvest Board of Directors works to develop annual research priorities that increase profitability, mitigate risk and make the production of beans easier for growers.

Combine harvester working in a field at sunset, with dust creating a hazy atmosphere.
Lush green soybean field with rows of crops under a cloudy sky.

Grower Driven Research

The Northarvest Bean Growers Association Research Committee takes a hands-on approach to steer research that will make a difference for bean production. Each year the Committee identifies research priorities that are most important for growers and sends this grower-driven list to scientists as a guideline to receiving a request for research proposal. Based on this list, a variety of proposals were submitted in 2020.

2019 Dry Bean Grower Survey Released

For 30 years, dry bean growers have responded to an annual survey from North Dakota State University of varieties grown, pest problems, pesticide use, and grower practices. A total of 256 growers responded to the survey, representing 17.1% of last year’s total planted acreage.

Full Survey review available by clicking

Green tractor in dry farmland under blue sky.