USDBC Welcomes Overseas Representatives

As the U.S. Dry Bean Council prepares for the implementation of USDA’s Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program, the council is excited to announce new talent to help expand 2019 outreach.
  • Xu Fang has been named USDBC’s new contractor for China planting and production analysis and will also be keeping an eye on China’s potential to become a net dry bean importer. Xu is currently president and CEO of WG Consulting, a Shanghai-based consulting firm specializing marketing and market access for various agricultural products and services.
  • Thoric Cederstrom is representing USDBC’s food assistance and food security initiatives as the new food aid consultant. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, Thoric is an expert in sustainable agriculture and food security, primarily in environments that include conflict and post conflict situations.
  • Alejandro Leloir will be the new Regional Representative for the Americas. Alejandro is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina with a degree in agronomy. He currently resides in San Jose Costa Rica.
  • Jose Barrios joined USDBC as a public relations and program specialist specifically for new marketing activities in Colombia under the ATP program. He will be organizing at least five different marketing events throughout Colombia.
USDBC Regional Representative for the Americas region Dario Bard will depart at the end of April.