USDA Announces Another Round of CFAP Payments

USDA is implementing a second Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19.This new round of assistance will offer up to an additional $14 billion.   Payment calculations will be made for three categories of commodities: price trigger commodities, flat-rate crops and sales commodities. […]

CFAP Details Coming This Week

USDA is expected to announce details about the next round of coronavirus relief payments this coming week. During a stop in Iowa, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said the rules will be announced before Friday’s deadline for enrolling in the current CFAP program. The second round of CFAP payments will cover COVID-19 related losses from April […]

CFAP Applications Now Being Accepted Online

The USDA Farm Service Agency is accepting Coronavirus Food Assistance Program applications via an online portal. The agency will also use commercial document storage and e-signature solutions so farmers and ranchers can complete CFAP applications from home. Producers who wish to apply will need an e-Authentication account and can do so at

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Signup Now Open

Signup for the $16 billion Coronavirus Food Assistance Program through USDA is now open. Eligible commodities include several specialty crops and non-speciality crops, as well as livestock. USDA is working to identify commodities not included CFAP to potentially be added. Farmers and ranchers who suffered a five percent or greater price decline between mid-January and […]

USDA Announces Additional Disaster Assistance

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue today announced additional disaster assistance available to agricultural producers, including producers impacted by drought and excess moisture. Through WHIP+, USDA is helping producers recover from losses related to 2018 and 2019 natural disasters. In addition, producers have reported widespread crop quality loss from eligible disaster events that results in price deductions […]