Northarvest Beangrower Magazine changes publishers

Hello & thanks for clicking!

Northarvest Beangrower Magazine is changing publishers.

While we at Northarvest Bean Growers Association have enjoyed our publishing partnership with Red River Farm Network for many years, they’ve chosen to bow out of print publishing. RRFN has done great work over the past 18(!) years and Northarvest very much appreciates all the effort put in by so many since the start of our magazine. NBGA is pleased to share that we will continue to work together with RRFN on our weekly radio segment, the Dry Bean Scene, as well as other projects.  

Moving forward, Northarvest Bean Growers Association is excited to announce a new partnership with Agweek for our print magazine.

Interviews are taking place, stories are being written, photos are being taken and our advertisers are being contacted. If you haven’t heard from us yet, you will shortly – though feel free to shoot us an email with any questions .

While we normally see an issue out for delivery around June, with the change of publishing duties, we expect the first magazine from our new partners to start arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes near the end of July/early August, depending on printing availability & USPS delivery speed.

Thanks for reading & please feel free to reach out with any questions. 

  • Jed Brazier
    Communications & Marketing Director, NBGA