In North Dakota, USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service there were 4.6 days suitable for field work last week. Topsoil moisture supplies declined 2% to 80% very short-to-short, and subsoil moisture is pinned at 78% very short-to-short. 22% of spring wheat is seeded, ahead of 10% average, with 2% emerged. Corn plantings are unchanged at 3%, and canola seeding is just beginning at 1%. The planting progress for sugarbeets is 15% complete, 14% for barley, 8% for dry edible peas and 4% for potatoes.
Farmers found 3.8 days suitable for fieldwork in Minnesota. Spring wheat seeding is one week ahead of last year’s pace at 19% complete. That’s an increase of 9% from last week. Corn planting is 18% complete, behind 34% last year but equal to average. 42% percent of oats, 28% of sugarbeets and 12% of barley and potatoes are in the ground. Topsoil moisture is 75% adequate-to-surplus, and subsoil moisture is rated at 71% adequate-to-surplus.
Dry edible bean planting has begun in western growing regions. Idaho is 14% planted, Washington is at 60% and Montana is at 5%.
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