Producers to Receive Crop Insurance Premium Benefit for Cover Crops

Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) if they planted cover crops during this crop year.   The Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), offered nationally by USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA), helps farmers maintain their cover crop systems, despite […]

Select Counties Can Hay/Grazing Cover Crops Early

USDA’s Risk Management Agency is opening up haying and grazing of cover crops on prevent plant acres to September 1 for 42 counties in the Dakotas. This response follows letters sent from North Dakota farm groups, noting the backlog in livestock numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and large amount of PP acres in the […]

USDA Moves Up Cover Crop Haying and Grazing Date

USDA’s Risk Management Agency has moved up the date for farmers and ranchers to start haying and grazing cover crops on prevent plant acres to September 1. The adjustment was made due to this year’s late planting season and forage shortages, with the previous date for grazing and haying being November 1.   Producers who […]

Considering Cover Crops for PP Acres

In the case of prevent plant, cover crops are one option farmers are considering for fields left unplanted. NDSU Extension soil health specialist Abbey Wick is receiving questions from area farmers on the topic. Wick says one benefit is weed control.   “If we can put something out there to compete with weed pressures alone, […]