Prevent Plant Acres Total Over 19 Million

USDA’s Farm Service Agency released more information on prevent plant acres for 2019. U.S. farmers reported 11.2 million prevent plant acres of corn, 4.3 million acres of soybeans and 2.2 million acres for wheat. That makes for a grand total of more than 19 million PP acres for 2019, the most acres reported since FSA […]

Canada Dry Bean Acres Projected to Decrease

Statistics Canada released the March preliminary plantings report this past Wednesday. For 2019, dry bean acres are expected to decrease 8.1 percent to 325,000 acres. That’s compared to 353,000 in 2018. Acreage for chickpeas is pegged at 334,000, down 24.5 percent from 443,000 in 2018. Lentils are also anticipated to drop by 9.6 percent to […]