USDBC Board Meets in Denver

The U.S. Dry Bean Council (USDBC) Board of Directors convened in-person in Denver, Colorado last week after over a year of virtual meetings. The board tackled a comprehensive list of critical association and programmatic issues over the course of one and a half days, including:   Legislative priorities Beans in food aid Trade teams and trade […]

Northarvest Elects New Slate of Officers

The Northarvest Bean Growers Association has elected a new slate of Board of Director officers, as well as U.S. Dry Bean Council directors. David Dickson of Gilby, North Dakota is the new Northarvest president. Previously, Dickson served as vice president, and also serves on the promotion, legislative, search, scholarship and communication committees. Dickson was first […]

USDBC Welcomes Overseas Representatives

As the U.S. Dry Bean Council prepares for the implementation of USDA’s Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program, the council is excited to announce new talent to help expand 2019 outreach. Xu Fang has been named USDBC’s new contractor for China planting and production analysis and will also be keeping an eye on China’s potential to become […]

Black Bean Prices in Brazil Pull Upward

Sao Paulo wholesale carioca bean prices in February were as high as $1,713 per metric ton, double the price in January. The price spike was due to reduced first crop production and weather‐induced crop damage. Prices reported the first week of March at the Sao Paulo bolsinha were lower, carioca especial (above commercial grade) averaged […]

Beans in Food Aid for 2019

Dry bean tonnage in U.S. government food aid programs picked up significantly at the end of 2018, logged as the first quarter of fiscal year 2019. FSA call forwards for the first quarter of FY19 show over 10,000 MT of dry beans going into USDA school feeding programs in various countries and into USAID’s emergency response […]

USDBC to Study Cuba Market Opportunities in 2019

For the first time, the 2018 Farm Bill allows for the use of USDA Foreign Agricultural Service market promotion funding to conduct export development activities in Cuba. In the past, U.S. agricultural trade organizations have used private funding to promote trade with Cuba. Despite the fact that many financial and banking restrictions remain in place, […]

Funding Will Help USDBC Reach New Markets

Support from USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has helped the U.S. Dry Bean Council to surpass historical export development funding levels, receiving over $3 million through various funding mechanisms for the 2019 program year. This includes the Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD), the Emerging Markets Program (EMP), the Global Broad-Based Initiatives (GBI) program […]