2020 Dry Bean Grower Survey Highlights
The 2020 Dry Bean Grower Survey of Production, Pest Problems and Pesticide Use provides important data on dry bean production, pest problems and pesticide use in Minnesota and North Dakota. Research and Extension faculty at North Dakota State University, along with directors of the Northarvest Bean Growers Association (NHBGA), develop the survey form. Survey respondents […]
Grower Survey to Assess Herbicide Drift Damage in the North Central U.S.
Dicamba and 2,4-D drift have made headlines in recent years, but no study to-date has attempted to quantify the overall impact that herbicide drift has on growers of fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops. A special project group of the North Central Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Center is conducting a survey this winter to […]
Crop Production Surveys Coming from USDA
USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) will be contacting farmers to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain stored on their farms. The responses to the survey will be used in calculating county-level yields. Survey results will be published in several reports, including the Crop Production Annual Summary and the Quarterly […]
Complete Dry Bean Grower Surveys
The 2019 Dry Bean Grower Survey of Production, Pest Problems and Pesticide Use has been mailed. The survey is a cooperative effort between the Northarvest Bean Growers Association and the NDSU Extension Service and made possible through a grant from Northarvest. Results from this survey are important and provide dry bean growers and invested stakeholders […]
USDA to Survey County Acreage and Production
The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey farmers in 41 states, including North Dakota, as part of its County Agricultural Production Survey. The survey will collect information on total acres planted and harvested, as well as total yield and production of row crops down to the county level. North Dakota State Statistician […]
2018 Dry Bean Grower Survey Results
For 29 years, dry bean growers have responded to an annual survey of varieties grown, pest problems, pesticide use and grower practices. Research and Extension faculty at North Dakota State University, along with directors of the Northarvest Bean Growers Association, developed the survey form, which was mailed to all Northarvest bean growers. All participants of […]