Pulse Crop Utilization Course
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) will be holding a virtual course on pulse crop utilization June 8-17, 2021. This course provides participants with current information surrounding the pulse industry in our four-state region. From production to breeding to health benefits and processing, there will be discussions led by university and industry experts. Participants will have […]
Pulse Crop Research Proposals Being Sought
The Pulse Crop Health Initiative has announced the opening of its current funding cycle, seeking submissions for research proposals for fiscal year 2021 funding. PCHI is a special project, funded through the Farm Bill, with approximately $4.3 million available in grants for FY 21. Most projects funded are at the level of $60,000 to $100,000 (per institution […]
Research Project Seeks Input on Pulse Flours
A new research project out of Michigan State University’s Food Legume Quality Genetics Research Lab is studying the quality of beans and pulses for use as a flour ingredient. The survey is directed to food industry professionals who use any type of pulse flour in their products. According to researchers, the objectives are to: Identify the […]