Select Counties Can Hay/Grazing Cover Crops Early
USDA’s Risk Management Agency is opening up haying and grazing of cover crops on prevent plant acres to September 1 for 42 counties in the Dakotas. This response follows letters sent from North Dakota farm groups, noting the backlog in livestock numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and large amount of PP acres in the […]
Flexibility for Producers Filing ‘Notice of Loss’ for Failed, PP Acres
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is providing additional flexibilities for producers to file on acres with failed crops or crops that were prevented from planting because of extreme weather events. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is adding these flexibilities for Notice of Loss on both insured and uninsured crops to enable Service Centers to […]
Dry Bean Scene
This year’s planting conditions have been better for some farmers than others. Soils have remained wet in places, presenting their fair share of challenges. Hear more in the Dry Bean Scene on the Red River Farm Network is made possible, in part, by the Northarvest Bean Growers Association.
Tool Available to Weigh PP Decisions
NDSU Extension has developed a spreadsheet to help farmers evaluate prevented planting decisions. “Producers in North Dakota are waiting for fields to dry out so they can start field work and crop planting,” says Andrew Swenson, NDSU Extension farm management specialist. “Though it is early, once planting starts rapid progress can be made with today’s […]
Record Prevent Plant Acreage
The Farm Service Agency is estimating 2019 prevent plant acreage at a record 19.6 million acres. That compares to the previous record of just under 11 million acres in 2011. South Dakota leads the nation with nearly 4 million acres of PP. Illinois and Ohio each had about 1.5 million acres reported as prevented plant. […]
Prevent Plant ‘Top Up’ Payments to be Paid in October
Farmers who filed a prevent plant claim will automatically receive a ‘top-up’ payment. A ten percent payment will be made to farmers with Yield Protection and Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Option. Those with Revenue Protection will receive 15 percent. “This has been such a tremendously tough year for producers and frankly, insurance guarantees […]
Prevent Plant Acres Total Over 19 Million
USDA’s Farm Service Agency released more information on prevent plant acres for 2019. U.S. farmers reported 11.2 million prevent plant acres of corn, 4.3 million acres of soybeans and 2.2 million acres for wheat. That makes for a grand total of more than 19 million PP acres for 2019, the most acres reported since FSA […]
PP Claims Expected to Exceed $1 Billion
According to USDA Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey, numerous prevented plant claims have already been paid out. “I think those claims have climbed over the $100 million mark so far and we expect that probably to pass the $1 billion mark at some point as you look at the acres that are […]
USDA Moves Up Cover Crop Haying and Grazing Date
USDA’s Risk Management Agency has moved up the date for farmers and ranchers to start haying and grazing cover crops on prevent plant acres to September 1. The adjustment was made due to this year’s late planting season and forage shortages, with the previous date for grazing and haying being November 1. Producers who […]
Considering Cover Crops for PP Acres
In the case of prevent plant, cover crops are one option farmers are considering for fields left unplanted. NDSU Extension soil health specialist Abbey Wick is receiving questions from area farmers on the topic. Wick says one benefit is weed control. “If we can put something out there to compete with weed pressures alone, […]