Mexico Dry Bean Harvest Update
It is estimated that Mexico’s 2021 spring/summer dry bean harvest saw 1.166 million hectares planted, with a harvestable area of 97% of the total planted. This is assuming no adverse weather events. At the time of this writing, harvest is still underway and has progressed as follows: 40% in Chihuahua 25% in Durango 50% […]
Mexico Harvest Update
The last update from the U.S. Dry Bean Council on the Mexican dry bean harvest indicated that lack of rain in August had an impact on yield. Total precipitation in August was 34% lower than anticipated causing extreme drought in some states such as Chihuahua and Durango. As a result, the latest assessment projects that […]
Mexico Proposes Gradual Phase Out of Glyphosate
Source: U.S. Dry Bean Council Over the past months, we have reported on our concerns regarding a global surge in movements to ban to use of glyphosate and other herbicides/pesticides. Our biggest concern is that this will translate into the imposition of very low or zero tolerances for herbicide use in imported agricultural products, including […]
Looking Ahead to Mexico’s 2020 Planting Season
The dry bean planting season in Mexico has not begun, but once it does the U.S. Dry Bean Council will provide crop updates. In the meantime, a few considerations reported from the USDBC Mexico City office will help determine the supply demand equation in the year ahead. According to market intelligence in Mexico, there […]
Dry Bean Congress Taking Place in Cancun, Mexico
The 2020 U.S. Dry Bean and Specialty Grains International Congress runs February 6-8 in Cancun, Mexico. For approximately 20 years, this event has offered trending industry topics, social events and business opportunities to hundreds of U.S. exporters and International importers of pulses and other specialty grains. This event is organized by the U.S. Dry Bean […]
Dry Bean Scene
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. This action is receiving praise from the dry bean industry. Learn more in this week’s Dry Bean Scene, made possible by the Northarvest Bean Growers Association.
USMCA Overwhelmingly Passes in the Senate
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement passed out of the U.S. Senate by an overwhelming vote of 89-10 Thursday. For agriculture, USMCA is estimated to increase U.S. exports by $2 billion. The vote comes just one day after the United States signed a new trade agreement with China, which promises to increase ag exports by tens of billions […]
USMCA Deal Reached
The United States, Mexico and Canada reached a deal on tweaks in labor and steel and aluminum provisions in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. “There’s no question this trade agreement is much better than the North American Free Trade Agreement, but in terms of our work here it’s infinitely better than what was initially proposed by the […]
Production Numbers Continue to Decline in Mexico
According to U.S. Dry Bean Council Mexican market intelligence, Mexico dry bean production estimates for November declined as harvest wraps up. Production is estimated around 400 thousand metric tons for all states that planted dry beans in 2019 spring/summer cycle. This would be 52 percent less than the 859,000 metric tons produced in 2018. In […]
Mexico Dry Bean Crop May Fall Short
The U.S. Dry Bean Council’s re-survey of the Mexican 2019 Spring-Summer dry bean crop confirmed definitively that the bean planting surface was reduced as a result of the drought from June through August,. As a result, production is estimated at 417,101 metric tons, 54 percent less than SIAP’s (Mexico’s agricultural data Secretariat) estimates and 52.5 […]