Global Plant Forward Conference Recap

The 2021 virtual Global Plant Forward (GPF) conference was attended by Adam Veile and Kaci Vohland from Communique on behalf of Northarvest Bean Growers Association. They also presented at the GPF event on March 30 – April 1, 2021. The Global Plant-Forward Culinary Summit is a joint initiative of the CIA and Harvard T.H. Chan […]

Fighting With Food

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common nutrient shortfalls in the world. When people get too little iron, they’re at an increased risk for infection. Dry beans are among the best sources of this mineral and pairing them with vitamin C-rich foods can increase iron absorption dramatically.   Even if you’re limiting trips […]

Brighten Your Day with Beans

Although depression and other mood disorders are complex conditions that often require comprehensive treatment, evidence suggests that food choices can help with symptoms. In the latest study on this topic, researchers from Spain looked at eating habits of people with and without symptoms of depression.   The subjects who didn’t have depression were more likely […]