Dry Bean Scene

Like the rest of the state, conditions continue to be dry at Leeds, North Dakota. Northarvest Bean Growers Association Vice President Eric Jorgenson has received about 1.5 inches of rain since the start of planting. Even though this is a small amount, Jorgenson describes it as a blessing. Hear more from Jorgenson in the Dry […]

Dry Bean Scene

Farmers are planning for the 2020 crop. Leeds, North Dakota farmer Eric Jorgenson says despite some challenges, the outlook for dry beans remains positive. Get the details in the latest Dry Bean Scene from the Northarvest Bean Growers Association on the Red River Farm Network.

Dry Bean Scene

Leeds, North Dakota farmer Eric Jorgenson has been dealing with dry conditions for much of the growing season. Get the details in the Dry Bean Scene on the Red River Farm Network, made possible in part by the Northarvest Bean Growers Association.