Gov. Burgum Announces Plan for COVID Funds
North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has unveiled the Accelerate North Dakota plan to use federal funds from the American Rescue Plan. This plan includes $207 million in income tax relief over the next two years. There’s $396 million for workforce and economic development projects, including money for livestock finishing and processing and support for autonomous […]
Drought Townhalls Held
North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring hosted town hall meetings Wednesday and Thursday. During the meeting, farmers, ranchers and other area residents in the Washburn, Rugby and Medora areas discussed the challenges created by extreme drought conditions. Leadership reviewed the state’s response and answered questions. More than two-thirds of North Dakota […]
ND Officials Submit Secretarial Disaster Request
North Dakota has requested a Secretarial disaster designation for 47 out of 53 counties in the state. Governor Doug Burgum, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, the state Farm Service Agency and others sent the request to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on Friday. The nine-page letter asks for federal assistance to be made available, estimating farmers have […]
North Dakota Exploring Options to Assist Farmers
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture is encouraging farmers to report crop losses or any other damage associated with the wet fall and recent blizzard to county-based NDSU Extension agents. That information will be shared to help the state prepare a Secretarial disaster declaration. A Presidential disaster declaration will also likely be sought. Once submitted, […]
North Dakota Explores Options to Assist Ag Sector
In a joint statement, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said they are exploring every avenue to assist farmers and ranchers due to the early snowstorm and extremely wet conditions. A Secretarial Disaster Declaration is a possibility. Goehring has voiced concern to USDA about quality discounts on grain. Burgum and Goehring […]