U.S. Senate Approves $10 Billion in Disaster Assistance
The U.S. Senate has approved $10 billion in disaster assistance. Specifically, it includes $9.25 billion in aid for farmers who suffered losses due to drought, floods and other qualifying disasters. The funding will extend WHIP= to cover losses in calendar years 2020 and 2021. Read more.
North Dakota Exploring Options to Assist Farmers
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture is encouraging farmers to report crop losses or any other damage associated with the wet fall and recent blizzard to county-based NDSU Extension agents. That information will be shared to help the state prepare a Secretarial disaster declaration. A Presidential disaster declaration will also likely be sought. Once submitted, […]
Ag Groups Push for “Appropriate Disaster Assistance
A letter has been sent to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue seeking “the fullest appropriate disaster assistance” under the WHIP+ program and other USDA programs. This letter was signed by groups representing farmers in the Northern Tier states, including soybeans, wheat, barley, sunflowers, canola, dry beans, pulse crops and the National Farmers Union. Extreme moisture has […]