USDA Crop Progress – July 8

Dry bean blooming in North Dakota is at nine percent, behind 70 percent last year and 67 percent average. The crop is rating decreased to 75 percent good to excellent. One percent is rated poor to very poor. In Minnesota, blooming is at six percent, compared to 16 percent last year and 18 percent average. The crop rating dropped to 65 percent good to excellent and five percent poor to very poor.
Fifty-three percent of the crop in Idaho is rated good to excellent, with 95 percent emerged. In Oregon, 76 percent of dry beans are rated good to excellent. Sixty-one percent of dry beans in Washington are in good to excellent condition.
USDA is reporting 72 percent of Montana dry beans and chickpeas are blooming, just shy of last year’s average. The Wyoming dry bean crop is five percent is bloomed, with a 73 percent good to excellent rating. Emergence is at 89 percent in Colorado and 11 percent blooming. The Michigan dry bean crop is 86 percent planted and 49 percent emerged.
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